Spring is finally here (though you wouldn't know it by the temperature around here today-- brr!) and with it, time for change. In fact, you could almost say complete overhaul...
I've been working really hard for the past while to get the site overhauled, re-organized and ready to launch... which will be very soon, I hope! (Can't wait!) But before I do anything else, I owe special, heartfelt thanks to Cathy at Avalon Rose Design for
a) working so hard to make the site fit the new vision of my business,
b) making it so unbelievably GORGEOUS!!,
and finally c) putting up with me and my very sad lack of techie knowledge.
Seriously, this girl is *brilliant*! Plus she has a great blog and, as though she's not busy enough, is opening a new site called Eclectic Anthology with her own jewelery designs that are to die for! And, of course, I must thank my bff Joy, for putting up with my seemingly endless questions... (and you know there will be more, gul!) Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without her.
So, all that said, I'll also be trying to re-design (help, Joy?) the blog over the next few days to match the site a bit better... the first step? Changing the logo at the top! (Please note new logo from Cathy... I'm so proud-- I changed it up all by myself!)
Hope you're all having a great spring day no matter what the weather~~ Oh, if you get a chance, check out Joy's blog today, she's launching a new line of goodies for her site-- that girl is inspired (and inspirational, too!), I tell ya!

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