Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Grand Opening Day!

Well, we're opening up the site today. I'm soooooo excited!

This whole journey of getting the website up & running has been exhilarating, tiring, frustrating, and altogether wonderful! I've learned so much-- and not just about computers-- but about myself. Since deciding to create my own business, I've grown and become more confident, more assertive in my tastes, and more sure of myself in ways I couldn't even have imagined.
And of course, there are lots of people to thank for their help and support along the way... Cathy at Avalon Rose Design, my bff Joy, and of course, my unbelievably patient hubby. I certainly couldn't have done any of this without them... so thanks, guys!

We'll be adding new items to the site all week, but I'm too anxious to wait to open it up any longer. (Guess I'm not as patient as my hubby!)

So, all that said, I sincerely hope you will enjoy looking through the shop.
With thanks,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congrats my dear!